Posts by Category


Analysis of Malta’s Weather (1997-2020)

72 minute read

In this notebook we are going to visually explore the weather in Malta over the last 24 years, from 1997 to 2020. To achieve this we first need to download w...

World Cup Data Visualisation in D3.js

4 minute read

The World Cup games data visualisation below is based on the exercise in the Udacity Data Visualization and D3.js - Communicating with Data course.

Descriptive Statistics Tutorial

71 minute read

In this interactive Jupyter notebook you will learn the very basics of statistics. Through statistics you can make sense of data and in today’s world this is...

Instacart - Predictions on Test Set

23 minute read

In this notebook we will load the trained Random Forest classifier, built in the Instacart Model Fitting notebook, and make reordered products predictions fo...

Instacart - Model Evaluation

3 minute read

In this notebook we will load the Random Forest model fitted on all the training data and evaluate its F1-measure performance on the validation set, using a ...

Instacart - Model Fitting

20 minute read

In this notebook we will fit simple reordering classifier models using the features extracted from the Instacart Market Basket Analysis dataset provided by K...

Instacart - Feature Engineering

14 minute read

In this notebook we will mostly use Pandas to engineer features from the Instacart Market Basket Analysis Kaggle competition. In the original Kaggle competit...

Instacart - Exploratory Analysis

11 minute read

In this notebook we will explore the Instacart data set made available on Kaggle in the Instacart Market Basket Analysis Competition. We will be using Python...

Instacart - Splitting Training Data

2 minute read

In this notebook we will split the Instacart training data as provided on Kaggle in the Instacart Market Basket Analysis competition, into a training set and...

Titanic Survival Prediction

45 minute read

In this notebook we will explore the Titanic passengers data set made available on Kaggle in the Getting Started Prediction Competition - Titanic: Machine Le...

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Malaria Parasite Detection Using an SVM

37 minute read

Recently I read the excellent tutorial Deep Learning and Medical Image Analysis with Keras by Dr. Adrian Rosebrock’s. Adrian’s tutorial shows how to use a pr...

CIFAR-10 Classifier Using CNN in PyTorch

22 minute read

In this notebook we will use PyTorch to construct a convolutional neural network. We will then train the CNN on the CIFAR-10 data set to be able to classify ...

Tensors and Gradients in PyTorch

24 minute read

In this notebook we will learn what tensors are, why they are used and how to create and manipulate them in PyTorch.

MNIST Using Keras

5 minute read

In this notebook, we will build a simple two-layer feed-forward neural network model using Keras, running on top of TensorFlow. We then train the sequential ...

Resources to Learn Machine Learning

13 minute read

Here you will find a curated list of quality educational resources available online for free, to help you learn machine learning.

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Pandas Library Notes

20 minute read

This is a summary of the most useful pandas features and is based on some of the techniques discussed in Ted Petrou’s Minimally Sufficient Pandas article.

Docker Notes

4 minute read

Notes on how to install Docker on Microsoft Windows and how to make it work if you also run VirtualBox on the same computer.

R Language Notes

8 minute read

Notes on how to install and use the R statistical language.

VirtualBox Linux Guest Notes

6 minute read

Notes on how to configure Linux as a guest operating system in a VirtualBox virtual machine.

Linux Notes

10 minute read

Notes on how to do common tasks through the Linux shell.

Git Notes

14 minute read

Notes on how to use Git, such as, initialising or cloning a repository, adding files to the staging area and committing staged files.

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Instacart - Predictions on Test Set

23 minute read

In this notebook we will load the trained Random Forest classifier, built in the Instacart Model Fitting notebook, and make reordered products predictions fo...

Instacart - Model Evaluation

3 minute read

In this notebook we will load the Random Forest model fitted on all the training data and evaluate its F1-measure performance on the validation set, using a ...

Instacart - Model Fitting

20 minute read

In this notebook we will fit simple reordering classifier models using the features extracted from the Instacart Market Basket Analysis dataset provided by K...

Instacart - Feature Engineering

14 minute read

In this notebook we will mostly use Pandas to engineer features from the Instacart Market Basket Analysis Kaggle competition. In the original Kaggle competit...

Instacart - Exploratory Analysis

11 minute read

In this notebook we will explore the Instacart data set made available on Kaggle in the Instacart Market Basket Analysis Competition. We will be using Python...

Instacart - Splitting Training Data

2 minute read

In this notebook we will split the Instacart training data as provided on Kaggle in the Instacart Market Basket Analysis competition, into a training set and...

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